Recording Transactions Against Projects
Entering Actuals for the Job
There are two ways in which the actuals can be entered for the job. The actuals can be entered via Job Costing or Accounts Payable.
Entering Actuals via Job Costing
There are four areas in Job Costing where actuals can be entered for a job. As can be seen in the menu above the four areas are:
Enter Transactions
Enter Transaction Batch
Enter Timesheet Batch
Enter Disbursement Batch
Enter Transactions
Enter Transactions is used for a singular actuals entry to a job and for this reason is rarely used.
Enter Transaction Batch and Timesheet Batch
These two areas are exactly the same. They are both included due to legacy code on older systems. They both have the same functionality.
To enter a Transaction or Timesheet Batch:
Click on Transaction or Timesheet Batch
Click Time or Batch Depending on what you are entering
Enter a Description for the Job in the Details line
Enter a Type
If you have entered batch previously type will default to Material and if you have entered Timesheet type will default to Time. Narrative can be used for any descriptions you want to show up on the Job Sheet or Invoice
Enter the Job Code using the drop down arrow
Enter a product code from the drop down arrow
Cost Centre will be as defined
Component will be as defined
If you now move down to the Insert button (F4) on the left hand side of the screen you will see that by pressing this button it will add fields with the data you have inputted above already entered. This is a feature that will save valuable time when adding a number of products to one job or entering the same product for a number of jobs.
If you now enter through the fields until you reach the sales group
Component will be as defined
Either save to edit or post at a later date or post immediately
Note: You can also include narrative lines between the product fields if you wish to include descriptions. If you wish to do this click the insert button as above and change the type in the field to narrative.
In the case of the estimate being equal to the actual the estimate can be imported into the transaction batch. To do this, click Copy Estimate button, then pick up the job you want to copy from.
Entering Actuals via Accounts Payable
Entering a Transaction using the Shipping module in Accounts Payable will allow products ordered to be directly credited to the job rather than being entered into inventory.
The process to follow is exactly the same as entering in a shipment as normal.
Tasks\Accounts Payable\Enter Shipments
Only difference is you put a job code on the shipment lines and it will record the transaction against the Job.
You can have many different Jobs per shipment.