EDI Price Book Import
Price Book Import only works for IC.
Setup\Data Interchange\Price Book Designer
Select a Format of your Input file(the Price list from supplier), Load the Input File, Select the correct spreadsheet. Write Offset number to match the column numbers in the spreadsheet(see the screenshot below), Destination refers to the fields in Accredo product masterfile.
Input Format
This is used to define what type of file is going to be used for the Price Book Import
Default input file
Is where you would put the excel file you are trying to create a Price Book Import for.
Excel worksheet
This lets you to choose which worksheet you want to use.
Name of the field (Can be anything)
It locates the column in excel. (Offset of 1 will grab the data from the first column in excel. Offset of 10 will grab the tenth column in excel)
These are the fields located in Accredo to which the import will go to.
This will save you work as a .PFI file so it then can be used in the EDI Price Book Import
This is how the excel file is laid out for this import. Column A or Offset 1 is ProductCode. Column B or Offset 2 is Cost
Save the Price Book Designer.
Take an Accredo back-up before running PBI import.
Go to Tasks\Price Book Import
Load Price Book Definition, Price Book File and Excel Worksheet should be populated automatically. Then select a supplier.
Price Book Definition
This field accepts an import file (A sort of template) or MaxBasic code which links the excel/text file columns that are being imported into the fields in Accredo.
Price Book File
This field accepts the file you want to import into Accredo.
Add new stock items.
When ticked it adds brand new entries into Accredo. If not, it just updates existing entries.
Update existing stock items.
When ticked it updates the details for existing products, if not, it only adds new products.
The default creditor code to be used for all entries being imported.
Set creditor as default.
This sets all entries to the creditor code defined in the creditor field (above).
New product non-diminishing
When selected new products will be non-diminishing.
The currency used by the select creditor.
Price book date
The date to which the prices relate to.
Exchange rate
Specifies an exchange rate (If required).
Preview. Last chance to check the import.
Imported. You will get a report of results.
Supplier Cost has been updated.